Health Care That Fits

ATTENTION: Our minimally disruptive medicine website will soon move over to our new site

Minimally disruptive medicine (MDM) seeks to advance patient goals for health, health care, and life, using effective care programs designed and implemented in a manner that respects the capacity of patients and caregivers and minimizes the burden of treatment – the healthcare footprint – the care program imposes on their lives.

This site is maintained by researchers at the KER UNIT who are part of an international research team that is working on understanding and implementing MDM across the world.

Some introductions to MDM

Our blog

Thoughts and writings from the frontline of living with and caring for overwhelmed patients and from the thinkers, researchers, and doers who are trying to make a difference using MDM.

Contact us

Email:  |   Twitter: @kerunit

Tell us your MDM story